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Nearest airport to Belek

Closest airports to Belek is a very important topic for discussion among tourists who choose a comfortable and thoughtful vacation on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

Nearest airport to Belek

Nearest airport to Belek

Closest airports to Belek is a very important topic for discussion among tourists who choose a comfortable and thoughtful vacation on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. For every traveler, especially for families with small children, the location of the airport and the amount of travel time to the resort plays a very important role.

The question "Closest airports to Belek" can be answered very simply, because there is only one option. The closest airport to Belek is located in Antalya, which is rightfully the main tourist center of the country and has the AYT code. So, arriving from different parts of the world to the Antalya airport, travelers have a new question about how to get to Belek. The answer is very simple, the first option is to book a taxi, the second is to drive only half an hour in the local dolmus. Dolmush is the Turkish analogue of fixed-route taxis, which most often departs from the Antalya bus station. The distance from AYT airport to Belek is only 40 kilometers, therefore such a short period of travel time will take only half an hour, and a taxi can be taken in 20 minutes.

Closest airports to Belek: what to do in the resort

In general, Belek is an incredibly picturesque Turkish paradise, where the wealthiest tourists traditionally stay. The area boasts a huge number of parklands, golf clubs and horse ranches. There are also very well developed sea activities, renting individual yachts, exciting diving in local bays and sea fishing. There is a well-developed tourist infrastructure, entertainment and other things that are necessary for a wonderful vacation.