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COVID 19 coronavirus pandemic what changes await Turkey

The outbreak of the new coronavirus has already divided the world into two periods and many realize that each country will have to live by the new rules and adapt to the situation to prevent deteriora

COVID 19 coronavirus pandemic what changes await Turkey

COVID 19 coronavirus pandemic what changes await Turkey

The outbreak of the new coronavirus has already divided the world into two periods, and many understand that each country will have to live by the new rules and adapt to the situation to prevent the disease situation from deteriorating, at least until an effective and safe vaccine is invented. In Turkey, the situation has already stabilized and has improved rapidly, so the authorities have begun a phased withdrawal from the quarantine, which includes several periods. What is now waiting for guests in the new holiday season 2020 and what changes await locals and visitors of sunny Turkey.

Let's start with airports: innovations related to arrival in the country

The airport is the first place where all foreign citizens get, so their safety was given special attention. Turkey plans to resume international flights as early as June 12, and turkish Airlines, the country's flagship, has already published on its website a list of countries with which air service will be resumed. Although U.K is not on this list yet, it is only a matter of time.

On arrival, all guests are waiting for a contactless measurement of body temperature, for this are installed special thermal imaging. Also, the authorities decided to conduct rapid tests for coronavirus to anyone who comes from another country for free. Medical professionals will take samples before passport control, this procedure will take no more than a few minutes. The results of the study will be ready in 5-6 hours and in case the test turns out to be positive, the tourist will be contacted in the hotel and isolated in a special quarantine zone. Everyone who flew with him on the same flight will also be examined.

In airports in Turkey introduced mandatory use of protective masks, rooms are equipped with special disinfectant boxes for processing not only hands, but also the whole body. So far, this system is being implemented only in the largest air harbors in the country.

Rest after quarantine: what will change in hotels in Turkey in 2020

Changes attentive tourists will notice after they get into their shuttle buses, in which operators transport guests around hotels. They will now be filled only half of the total capacity to minimize the risks of the virus spreading. All vehicles are equipped with special mobile sanitizers, and drivers and passengers must wear protective masks throughout the journey.

Guests will be seated through a row to observe the social distance. This applies not only to group transfers, but also to any public transport in the country, and even those buses that take tourists to the excursions in Belek and other resorts in the country. Even independent tourists or those who prefer to get to the hotel by individual taxi, should also be ready for occupancy of the cabin no more than half.

When will Turkey's hotels open?

The opening of small hotels and boutique hotels is scheduled for early June. However, there is a limitation: settlement in them should also be carried out no more than 60% of the total number fund. Before the guests enter, each room is thoroughly disinfected and is left in airing mode for at least 12 hours after the departure of previous guests.

The hotels will also have contactless thermal imaging cameras and boxes with sanitary disinfectors in places of general congestion - in elevators, halls, corridors and restaurants. Mandatory observance of the social distance of 1.5 meters will touch the beach area and swimming pool - loungers here become at a considerable distance from each other. The hotels also have special quarantine sectors, where guests with confirmed COVID-19 will be isolated.

Will Turkey's hotels be left without all inclusive?

Such news stirred up the tourist community recently and caused a great resonance, because the all-inclusive system is one of the main advantages of Turkish hotels. Today we can say for sure that hoteliers do not consider the complete cancellation of this type of food, but only try to protect guests from infection as much as possible. Now, all dishes will be presented in restaurants behind a special protective glass, and food in plates will be superimposed by waiters standing at each of the tables.

Perhaps this is not a complete list of innovations that await tourists this season, but one thing is certain: Turkey is ready to receive guests and is preparing for this very carefully, putting the safety of its and foreign citizens in priority.