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Demre Mira Kekova interesting facts

There are many interesting facts about the area, which is commonly referred to as the general name Demre-Mira-Kekova. The most remarkable is the story of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Demre Mira Kekova interesting facts

Demre Mira Kekova interesting facts

There are many interesting facts about the area, which is commonly referred to as the general name Demre-Mira-Kekova. The most remarkable is the story of Nicholas the Wonderworker. Our tradition of giving gifts to children from St. Nicholas also went from here. This is a real person who lived in the World and was a local bishop. At first he was considered the patron saint of sailors, as the Lycans lived by the sea and trade. The current temple of his name is still in Demre. Despite its dilapidated state, there are always twice a year services. Upon his death, his relics were buried in the church, but eventually they were moved to another city. Nevertheless, tourists believe in the healing power of his sarcophagus. They hold icons above it, pray and believe in healing.